int(1400) ["percent_width"]=> int(768) int(300) ["acceptable_w"]=> ["width"]=> }. [1]=> [4]=> Basics of writing essays. int(480) They will verify your retirement account holder information and walk you through the login process. ["width"]=> ["height"]=> CancelEmail Password Cashiering and Settlement Services are provided by New Edge Securities, Inc. and Mid Atlantic Clearing & Settlement Corporation, registered broker dealers. ["width"]=> } ["url"]=> int(0) ["image_full_width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" string(34) "403b_plan-as171743928-768x512.jpeg" Its 113 land trust members are protecting land in well-loved and nationally renowned landscapes including the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay watersheds, Atlantic Coast, Appalachian and Pocono Mountains and the New Jersey Pine Barrens, along with urban parks and . int(150) ["media_query"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" state-of-the-art trading and reporting systems, integrate directly into recordkeeping or trust accounting system. [0]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["filesize"]=> string(89) "" You can start with as little as $20. }, array(5) { ["url"]=> float(150) } } int(0) ["acceptable_w"]=> ["file"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["media_query"]=> Education is at the core of why we exist and all that we do. string(73) "" ["url"]=> int(1) ["next_break"]=> ["media_query"]=> [1]=> int(768) int(1920) ===========array(8) { ["ratio"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> Get started STEP 1: Set up yourMONEY To set up a yourMONEY online account, call a Member Service Representative at 1-800-279-4030. int(150) [4]=> Mid Atlantic Trust Company is an employer located at Pierre, South Dakota. ["width"]=> ["url"]=> Let us help you learn some important lessons about insurance by sharing some real-life experiences and some helpful tips. All rights reserved. ["height"]=> ["width"]=> ["width"]=> [3]=> int(480) [0]=> ["height"]=> ["url"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> int(0) The Trustee Custodian for the WEA Member Benefits IRA accounts is Newport Trust Company. array(10) { ["height"]=> ["percent_width"]=> int(480) } ["url"]=> If you have questions about your STRATA TRUST Form 1099-R, please contact us at 866-928-9394 or ["acceptable_w"]=> ["file"]=> ["ratio"]=> string(72) "" int(1) Mid-Atlantic Finance Company Reviews. ["width"]=> identify plan prospect opportunities within a specific geographical area. array(6) { string(89) "" ["file"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> int(200) Mid Atlantic Trust Company filed as a Foreign Financial Institution in the State of Texas on Monday, October 28, 2013 and is approximately eight years old, according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State.A corporate filing is called a foreign filing when an existing corporate entity files in . string(83) "" ["media_query"]=> ["width"]=> array(4) { ["next_break"]=> } ["percent_width"]=> string(70) "" ["file"]=> [0]=> ["media_query"]=> string(77) "" [4]=> At Mid Atlantic Trust Company, we separate ourselves from the competition not in what we provide, but in how our trust and custody services are uniquely delivered. int(150) array(10) { bool(false) int(1) } int(480) } ["url"]=> ===========array(6) { ["height"]=> array(6) { int(480) int(0) ["media_query"]=> ["url"]=> int(1400) ["height"]=> ["mime-type"]=> [1]=> ["url"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["next_break"]=> string(9) "image/png" string(34) "your_winter2023_slider-300x243.jpg" ["file"]=> int(768) ["width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> The 2007-2008 financial crisis, or Global Financial Crisis (GFC), was a severe worldwide economic crisis that occurred in the early 21st century. View privacy information at ["image_full_width"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" } int(300) ["width"]=> } int(0) int(150) The Personal Investment Account Program is offered by WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor. string(86) "" ["max_image_width"]=> array(3) { ["next_break"]=> int(0) ["width"]=> ["media_query"]=> int(1219) bool(false) string(29) "insurance_lessons-300x174.png" ["media_query"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["url"]=> string(89) "" We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Saturday, 10/15 from 6:00AM - 12:00PM ET. array(10) { } ["percent_width"]=> bool(false) That is why Mid Atlantic Trust Company provides an innovative set, of sophisticated financial products, technology and support services. ["media_query"]=> We have more than 30 years of experienceproviding services toa large number of qualified retirement plans, providing assistance withall aspects such as plan design, investment and vendor selection, investment monitoring, and employee education. About us Commercial Roofing Services and Products } ["url"]=> ["url"]=> ["width"]=> float(768) [1]=> ["url"]=> string(89) "" ["max_image_width"]=> ["height"]=> int(480) ["height"]=> int(1400) int(1) [0]=> int(1400) int(1) array(6) { ["next_break"]=> int(900) string(34) "403b_plan-as171743928-150x100.jpeg" ["url"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" int(900) int(3667) [4]=> ["ratio"]=> ["media_query"]=> string(9) "image/png" } int(300) int(575) ["image_full_width"]=> int(518) ["mime-type"]=> int(0) ["acceptable_h"]=> int(1400) ["width"]=> int(480) string(10) "image/jpeg" int(0) int(150) int(480) }, array(10) { int(26555) array(10) { int(1) offers an extensive line of participant distribution solutions for plans in Mid Atlantics custody or held elsewhere. The Personal Investment Account Program is offered by WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor. ["percent_width"]=> ["media_query"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ModelxChange Gallery serves as a clearinghouse where asset managers can make their investment models available directly to retirement plans on the Mid Atlantic platform. } bool(false) ["next_break"]=> ===========array(4) { int(480) } [4]=> int(696) We take care of them! int(1000) int(480) float(480) array(6) { ["width"]=> } string(17) "Swenty-150x84.jpg" ["file"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> One of the newer requirements of the SECURE Act is the addition of a lifetime income illustration in your 403(b) statement. ["media_query"]=> ["url"]=> array(5) { int(1) int(1400) int(1) int(560) ["width"]=> float(768) 4,200,070 reviews on ConsumerAffairs are verified. ["acceptable_w"]=> int(696) int(0) ["file"]=> ["url"]=> array(5) { ["mime-type"]=> int(696) } ["filesize"]=> array(5) { PITTSBURGH (PRWEB) October 09, 2018 Mid Atlantic Trust Company, a leading provider of custody, brokerage, trade processing, and financial services technology, announces the release of a new tool to assist advisors and plan administrators in analyzing the investment performance of 401(k) plans. ["acceptable_h"]=> Visit Mid Atlantic Trust Company website Who We Serve int(1000) [3]=> Your password will be emailed to you. int(104) array(5) { ["image_full_width"]=> array(10) { ["width"]=> Model Portfolios Model Performance ["max_image_width"]=> int(300) ["url"]=> int(1400) string(10) "image/jpeg" ["acceptable_h"]=> int(209) ["next_break"]=> bool(false) ["next_break"]=> } bool(false) Not all products and services are available in all states. string(38) "Patrick-Kubeny_testimonial-300x178.jpg" int(0) } [0]=> int(122) ["ratio"]=> int(124001) [2]=> Keep in mind that mutual fund investments are not guaranteed and may gain or lose value. int(1) [0]=> 330 South Poplar Avenue. } } string(30) "art_contest_2023-1-480x279.png" ["url"]=> ["media_query"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> string(23) "GSI-article-150x104.jpg" ["ratio"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["ratio"]=> int(512) array(5) { Our technology-backed-by-people business model has made LT Trust one of the fastest-growing 401(k) recordkeepers in the market. [2]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["ratio"]=> int(480) } ["height"]=> If your employees want additional guidance, we also offer comprehensive financial planning and wealth management services. ["mime-type"]=> int(1400) ["file"]=> int(480) ["width"]=> int(389) Current Hours. int(696) Mon 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM. ["percent_width"]=> int(14048) ["height"]=> For over four decades, EdgeCo Holdings' companies have provided best-in-class technology-enabled solutions and support services to financial intermediaries and their clients, including. int(150) ["ratio"]=> ["width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> [3]=> ["mime-type"]=> array(10) { ["url"]=> int(0) ["height"]=> array(10) { [3]=> float(150) array(3) { } ["width"]=> ===========array(5) { int(1400) ["image_full_width"]=> [0]=> string(81) "" int(480) ["acceptable_w"]=> string(85) "" ["width"]=> int(0) Recordkeepers and Third-Party Administrators are operating under tremendous margin pressure, while also having to constantly upgrade and adapt their technology to win and retain new business. ["height"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" int(20207) Consider all expenses before investing. Experience counts string(86) "" int(84) int(480) ["url"]=> int(768) string(29) "art_contest_2023-1-150x87.png" I already filed my taxes and now im panicking. ["height"]=> [1]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> string(23) "GSI-article-300x209.jpg" } string(89) "" ["acceptable_w"]=> ["width"]=> Securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor, member FINRA/SIPC. ["image_full_width"]=> ["width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> int(1400) array(10) { int(397) our trust and custody services are uniquely delivered. The company's filing status is listed as Good standing and its File Number is DB055513. int(1) string(84) "" ["url"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> ["media_query"]=> int(0) int(300) string(73) "" string(78) "" string(90) "" ["mime-type"]=> int(1) ["percent_width"]=> ["file"]=> ["width"]=> int(455) As an independent firm with no proprietary products to sell or sales quotas to meet, we are able to give you objective financial guidance and investment recommendations. string(18) "Swenty-300x169.jpg" ["width"]=> string(31) "Emily_Piehl_resized-768x512.png" }, array(5) { ["ratio"]=> ["width"]=> int(0) ["percent_width"]=> int(1219) string(35) "403b_plan-as171743928-1280x853.jpeg" ["percent_width"]=> [2]=> int(150) int(768) array(3) { ["width"]=> Clients should consult their own tax, legal and accounting advisors before making any decisions. ["max_image_width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> float(300) string(34) "403b_plan-as171743928-300x200.jpeg" array(5) { MID ATLANTIC TRUST COMPANY has sponsored the creation of one or more 401k plans. array(5) { } int(604) array(3) { [2]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" array(5) { Start Your Free Trial *Contacts and Principals counts are estimates and may differ from the actual number of contacts available in D&B Hoovers. ["max_image_width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["ratio"]=> ["next_break"]=> Website. ["ratio"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["width"]=> ["media_query"]=> string(65) "" array(10) { Its a 1099-r from "mid atlantic trust company". Our state-of-the-art trading and reporting systems integrate directly into your recordkeeping or trust accounting system, making for fully electronic processing, settlement, and reporting of trades and transactions. ["ratio"]=> ["url"]=> int(0) int(0) bool(false) ["file"]=> int(0) ["acceptable_w"]=> ["url"]=> int(0) ["height"]=> Property and casualty insurance programs are underwritten by WEA Property & Casualty Insurance Company. int(0) ["media_query"]=> array(10) { [2]=> int(279) int(696) ["media_query"]=> int(150) string(34) "your_winter2023_slider-150x122.jpg" } ["height"]=> string(86) "" ["height"]=> ["filesize"]=> [3]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> int(1) ["media_query"]=> TSA and IRA program registered representatives are licensed through WEA Investment Services, Inc., member FINRA. ["max_image_width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["next_break"]=> ["url"]=> int(1400) A Tool To Help Survive And Thrive in The New DOL Regulatory Landscape FiduciaryxChange is Mid Atlantic's proprietary program that allows a broker or advisor's home office to automate level fee-based compensation, seamlessly view plan information, and provide access to third party fiduciary services. Our firm was founded by hard-working, forward-thinking entrepreneurs truly embodying the American spirit. Empower Annuity Insurance Company (EIC) is compensated in connection with this product by deducting an amount for investment expenses and risk from the investment experience of certain assets held in EICs general account. ["width"]=> int(518) ["height"]=> ["percent_width"]=> int(300) int(150) int(560) All advisory services are offered through WEA Financial Advisors, Inc., an SEC registered investment advisor. ["image_full_width"]=> int(1400) ["media_query"]=> float(150) ["url"]=> string(9) "image/png" int(300) ["width"]=> int(696) ["image_full_width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["ratio"]=> int(150) int(300) ["ratio"]=> Its important to hit the ground running.. ["percent_width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["mime-type"]=> int(1) array(3) { bool(false) ["url"]=> If you choose to invest in the WEA Tax Sheltered Annuity or WEA Member Benefits IRA program, fees will apply. int(480) ["acceptable_h"]=> ["width"]=> ["url"]=> int(0) ===========array(4) { ["acceptable_w"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" int(0) ["filesize"]=> } int(122) int(0) int(696) ["ratio"]=> ["height"]=> ["file"]=> will be known as CIBC National Trust Company; Atlantic Trust Company of Delaware as CIBC Delaware Trust Company, and AT Investment Advisers Inc. as. float(768) int(1280) ["url"]=> ["media_query"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" string(31) "ira_rollover_slider-768x623.jpg" int(900) ["next_break"]=> int(1) array(10) { int(685) ["acceptable_w"]=> int(166) } float(300) float(300) Predatory lending targeting low-income homebuyers, excessive risk-taking by global financial institutions, and the bursting of the United States housing bubble culminated . ["next_break"]=> daily deposit product that offers a competitive alternative to money market funds for plan participant investment menus. int(89) ["acceptable_h"]=> ["height"]=> We're here to help. . ["media_query"]=> int(696) int(518) ["url"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> ["url"]=> ["width"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["url"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["percent_width"]=> ["url"]=> [6]=> ["width"]=> 3 See similar companies for insight and prospecting. [2]=> string(78) "" ["url"]=> string(85) "" int(169) int(1400) int(480) ["ratio"]=> float(300) [3]=> array(10) { ["max_image_width"]=> Certain recommendations or guidelines may not be appropriate for everyone. int(1400) ["acceptable_w"]=> int(49160) ["media_query"]=> ["media_query"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" Member FINRA, SIPC. ["url"]=> ["width"]=> int(0) int(900) int(1400) string(19) "Swenty-1024x575.jpg" ; Mid Atlantic Trust Company; American Trust Company; AT Retirement Services, LLC; AT Insurance, LLC; LPA Insurance Agency, Inc. and New Edge Wealth , LLC. int(480) int(0) int(1024) ["ratio"]=> int(768) int(1) string(10) "image/jpeg" ["mime-type"]=> array(10) { ["ratio"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["height"]=> string(89) "" ["image_full_width"]=> int(248) [3]=> array(5) { float(1366) array(10) { As of 9/30/22, we administer 6,000 plans with $5B in assets. DepositxChange is our FDIC eligible daily deposit product that offers a competitive alternative to money market funds for plan participant investment menus. ["width"]=> int(150) ["height"]=> Manhattan (/ m n h t n, m n-/) is the most densely populated and geographically smallest of the five boroughs of New York City.The borough is also coextensive with New York County, one of the original counties of the U.S. state of New York.Located near the southern tip of New York State, Manhattan is based in the Eastern Time Zone and constitutes both the geographical and . int(1400) ["ratio"]=> Mid Atlantic Trust Company (trading name, 2013-10-28 - ) Agent Name Allegheny Development Agent Address 10000 Spur 294, Corsicana, TX, 75109, USA Directors / Officers Allegheny Development, agent David Down, governing person Joseph Banco, governing person Paul Schneider, governing person Timothy Friday, governing person Registry Page ["height"]=> int(1020) string(93) "" bool(false) Designed from the ground up with the needs of financial services professionals in mind, TNS allows us to provide you with the most sophisticated technology to enhance your productivity, manage your practice, and deliver on your clients needs. int(900) ["image_full_width"]=> } There were a lot of aha moments. int(1) array(10) { ["next_break"]=> int(518) Our success reflects a long-held philosophy of combining the ethic of relationship-centric customer service with a sharp focus on advancing technology to produce operational efficiencies and competitive advantages. int(150) ["width"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["url"]=> int(1) ["next_break"]=> ["url"]=> ["acceptable_w"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> } int(0) I highly recommend taking advantage of the financial planning services. float(300) ["url"]=> * March 2020 20190514-729972-2560756 } ["acceptable_w"]=> int(768) Past performance is no guarantee for future results. ["width"]=> int(300) int(0) Its fun for me to not only be a member but to encourage my colleagues to become members., Its never too early to start saving for your future. ["url"]=> int(696) ===========array(4) { int(1) We'll provide easy-to-read statements and tax reportingall accessible online, reducing paper waste, and simplifying document management. string(89) "" ["acceptable_h"]=> ["percent_width"]=> int(480) array(5) { float(150) [0]=> int(768) ["acceptable_h"]=> string(84) "" ===========array(4) { ["acceptable_h"]=> ["url"]=> int(480) 2851 South Pike Ave., Suite C, Log-in to Matrix Trust Company services. ["width"]=> ["width"]=> int(5500) ["next_break"]=> array(10) { } bool(false) Complete Asset Protection } int(1) ["percent_width"]=> int(1400) string(90) "" int(696) ["width"]=> array(4) { Mid Atlantic Trust Company (MATC) announced today the expansion of its ModelxChange platform, adding 22 new third-party managers available to the more than 8,000 Professional Money Managers, Investment Advisors, and Plan Record Keepers who utilize MATC for 401(k) trust and custody. } int(1400) ["url"]=> array(6) { int(463) bool(false) ["url"]=> ["max_image_width"]=> ["mime-type"]=> int(1024) ["height"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> ["acceptable_h"]=> int(124) array(10) { ["max_image_width"]=> string(84) "" ["acceptable_h"]=> ["media_query"]=> int(26567) [0]=> } In our recordkeeping only environment, plans benefit from our state-of-the-art daily trading platform, with either Transamerica or Mid-Atlantic Trust Company. int(5500) array(10) { int(768) string(90) "" ["mime-type"]=> ["image_full_width"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["width"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" int(300) ["next_break"]=> ["mime-type"]=> array(6) { Mid Atlantic Trust Company CLAIM THIS BUSINESS 330 S POPLAR AVE PIERRE, SD 57501 Get Directions (412) 391-7077 Business Info Founded 2010 Incorporated SD Annual Revenue $99,791.00 Employee Count 2 Industries Trusts, Nec Contacts Marlene Young Contact Business Message Send Message Company Summary Industrial. Mid Atlantic Trust Company filed as a Foreign Financial Institution in the State of Texas on Monday, October 28, 2013 and is approximately ten years old, according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State.A corporate filing is called a foreign filing when an existing corporate entity files in a state other than the state they originally filed in. is a leading financial services organization that provides a wide array of, trust services to a diverse national client base of financial advisors and institutions, asset managers, and benefits administrators, Administrators are operating under tremendous margin pressure, while also having to constantly upgrade and adapt their technology to win and retain new business.