I don't owe the government anything for going to college. The oath means something to us and I for one am going to continue to tell them to stick it where the Sun Does Not Shine! Questions and Answers about the ACS in , , Franais, Kreyl ayisyen, , Polski, Portugus, , Espaol, Vit Ng. Here are the facts I discovered: Some of the questions asked in this questionnaire are so intrusive that I would not even give this information to my best friends or relatives. Overall, the lawsuit says that [n]othing in these statutes gives Defendants the authority to compel Plaintiffs to speak when Plaintiffs invoke their First Amendment right to refrain from speaking by refusing to answer the American Community Survey.. If you give them a little info they will keep at you until you give in. Last night (Monday) he showed up at 7:30. Q: What is the American Community Survey (ACS)? This info is also for the number of State Senators and Congressmen. [29] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/Name.pdf. If they aren't getting anything from my house and they've canvassed my six neighbors twice (actually talking to four of them). How many of our signers of the Declaration of Independence would fill out and sign THIS ACS form? What Percent of the US Population do Doctors Comprise? During the past year and especially with the current administration in D.C., I am so angry and distrustful of our government. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Pinterest; Flickr; YouTube; LinkedIn; City Services. I received the ACS and the regular Census. Post Office Box 7482 And, further, we cannot wire tap calls coming into this country from suspected terrorists, but we can create bogus laws to try to make us fill out the ACS which provides more personal information than any wire tap could on american citizens. Jun 2022 - Present10 months. That didn't go over to well and he told me that I was refusing to comply with a government agency and wouldn't get my money back. Thank Gosh, I documented every call and person I spoke with. Quite honestly, you are not that important. But I can promise I'll promptly feed it to my hungry paper shredder. He asked if I would consent to a phone survey and I could decline from answering any questions I thought were too personal or intrusive. Continued refusal may lead to additional visits by a supervisor. A: The American Community Survey, a questionnaire produced by the Census Bureau, not only asks about the number of persons in a household but also asks a broad range of questions about the activities of the people living in the household. They also made an unannounced visit. That's a load of crap. The census guy showed up here. There were laws in place to protect those people and they were not protected. I completed the regular census and destroyed the ACS. From original poster #188: I heard the head of the Census on NPR this morning. He asked if I was refusing to answer the survey. She said she would mark me as "refusing" and I said fine and hung up. I just did not answer the door (a habit with any unscheduled visitor so not hard for me). I asked my accountant about them and he recommended not to fill them out. A sympathizer to the Census said it was to help the government to function. I noticed that if I left the note on the door, they would sometimes pull up, then just drive off. Start here to respond: Responder en espaol First five digits of User ID:Last five digits of User ID Can't find the User ID? I am standing firm this time. So that could scare you away from doing the census. So go ahead and fill it out 235. There is absolutely no possibility they can guarantee this information will not be disseminated to others or exposed to malevolent wrongdoers. what the hell??? Why don't they survey me to find out my opinion on illegal immigrants, unemployment benefits to people who have barely held a job down in their life, giving child care benefits to unwed mothers who just keep popping out babies to numerous baby-daddies, who will never pay into the system so that I can collect Social Security when I want to finally retire after 50 years of non-stop work,or putting this country into mega-debt while giving money to impoverished countries that will never help us or appreciate us. Then I received the ACS. Passive resistance is no longer an option. How come I get the ACS? Start Here . The information from the Census should suffice for the allotment of federal funds for schools and roads. If a citizen doesn't comply with the ACS after a period of weeks, Census Bureau guidelines instruct enumerators to stop calling the resident. The only one who seemed to do anything on it was Freedom Watch Judge Napolitano. It is also known that the Bureau inadvertently posted sensitive information of over 300 innocent citizens. Why doesn't the gov just sell us some cyanide instead of slowly picking away at our bones? So I stand up to them and say NO, you don't need my private information in order to serve me better! Some of you who refuse to return your forms could possibly look at it from a different angle. ACS was conducted vigorously and continuously during the presidency of George W. Bush. And you all sound sober and mature, not the lunatic fringe at all. so no more. I told her actually it's not. The census person came back by a week later. It's now the end of Jan. 2010 and I just received my second ACS form. I do believe that the census information is mostly kept private though after a period of years or decades, it may become public. When we do the ACS on the phone, we do not ask for your SS #, we do not ask how many times you go to the bathroom. Whats the names and ages of all the female members of your household? I threw it away. Three times they were soaked standing at my door. They think that if they exert a little authority, show you a badge, write a stern letter, that you will be too afraid to tell them that they have no right to subject you to this. My paper shredder has been complaining of hunger, so I'm going to feed the "survey" to it when I receive it in the mail next week. I got another call tonight, but was not here to take the call. The $5,000.00 fines referenced in section 3571 are post conviction fines that only apply to an individual who has been charged and convicted of a crime defined in section 3559. Why don't you post the number in your family, their names, ethnic profile, give us your address and then, we will consider giving merit to your post. I suspect the caller will hang up and take you off the list. Three days later, the supervisor came out. To those who say they can't publish anything like that, I have seen it. S1901 INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2021 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) View All 23 Products. I'm glad they didn't refuse to answer such personal questions as name and age. ", Where did this information come from and why is it on the news? Not to mention the ethnic origin of any person on a questionnaire is profiling a house. Name Number and street or P.O. Let freedom ring! Once at 6:11, 7:15, and then 8:05. I also feel for the ones who fought and died for us, who spit in their graves. I thought the purpose of census was for representation purposes. We haven't been bothered since. For example, in 2013 after the 2010 census, Florida gained two seats in the House, while New York lost two. As a result, Congressional districts will need to be redrawn. I googled the name and phone number, found out their spouses name where they lived, etc. Someone brought up a good point, either here or on another forum. I pay my taxes honestly, obey the laws of the land, don't speed, don't spit on the sidewalk and I will always open the door for a lady. [18] Furthermore, the questionnaire also demands that recipients provide information about their family and other people in their home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed,[19] what languages they speak[20] and when they last worked at a job.[21]. Published: January 12, 2021 - 2:23 AM ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) Here's a Good Question-about an odd delivery in the mail. I told this supervisor that no one came by my home. On saturday he returned but I did not answer the door. I received the ACS form yesterday and read it through just to see the questions. The Bureau lists 35 different categories of questions on its website and offers an explanation on how the information is to be used. How many, each age, and each sex. Q: What are my options for objecting to the ACS survey as an intrusion on my Fourth Amendment rights? so the census workers who say, "if you haven't done anything wrong, just answer," well, people who are doing wrong things don't care about america -- they work for the government. My wife and I are not answering this. This is out of control. I have a meeting with my congressional representative this morning to let him know that I am not returning this form, and to hand him personally the form that I was sent. Yeah right! How can a census do any good for schools when these people are never turned away from schools and hospitals and welfare lines? We have 273 people living in this house with no plumbing, I go to work at 2 a.m. and get home at 2:30. The woman was carrying a clip board. Then, the phone calls started and they won't stop. I left the notice stuck to the door. By their asking their questions (limited to how many people live here) you have "met" your legal obligation to the Census. Thank you for your time and attention to this, and I expect this matter to be closed. Maybe they should change the name of the survey to "American Communist Survey". I was out in my yard and she was yelling at me from a distance. My blood pressure is through the roof right now after reading this survey. of Commerce rep, and called on my cell phone. It's the amendments that congress is busy adding to the original Constitution while you guys are busy working, fishing, etc., instead of watching congressional actions on C Span or some such that are killing us and our rights. Was the government going to send us all birthday presents when they came around? Now.I look forward to answering that door, cell in hand, and pressing the "video record" button. [15] The ACS questionnaire also demands that persons divulge how many automobiles they own[16] and whether you have trouble getting up the stairs. Methodology Statement: 2015-2019 American Community Survey MARCH 2021 6 with populations greater than 65,000) requires a 12-month sample. Well I received my census, and it had questions that i refused to answer, which under the requirements should not have been on it. No reason to be rude to someone doing their job. Of course, I had no clothes on, not expecting a peeping tom to be looking out of the woods in the first place. I see no reason to comply. any lawyers looking for some pro bono work ready to take up this issue? These questions clearly violate any privacy guaranteed to me by the US Constitution and over step the Census Bureaus authority. It is SBO-1 (Survey for Business Owner and Self Employed) and states that it is mandatory per Title 13 USC. Their bosses are going like it even less. What do you really think they use the information for? You wouldn't be getting personal visits and/or phone calls from these Census workers right now. The last time that happened was more than 40 YEARS ago. As us Cajuns say: Hell froze over when the Saints won the Super Bowl last season. They can't really do anything and they certainly aren't going to. Wow! From (original) Poster 188: Knock on wood, the phone calls seem to have stopped. A number of findings also closely match results obtained from surveys of U.S. faculty and graduate students. I would rather pay the $100 fine to keep my freedom in check. To those of you who claim to be "harassed" by these enumerators, why didn't you just complete the Census form you received in the mail back in March and send it back? As she walked away, I told her that her husband Ray just called and wanted her to stop at the store at a location next to her house. My husband and daughter fielded a few of them and honestly told the workers they didn't have the information or the form so they'd have to try to catch me. do we have a hot water heater? I like the idea of the videocam. A month later I received the ACS questionnaire, and coincidentally(? Just throw the census form in the trash. Year: 2021. However, the gap between homeownership rates not only persists, but has grown. Tells the stories behind the numbers in a new inviting way. I will pay the fine if that is what it takes. I never will. They do snoop around. Browse our collection of stories and more. Being able to have the best information available in targeting a potential market based off this information is invaluable. It ridiculously says that the form is to help know where to put roads, schools, etc. My first question is: which section authorizes ACS? [35] Daniel Freedman, The Orwellian American Community Survey, The Weekly Standard, http://www.weeklystandard.com/article/431469. Beyond principle, I work in the defense of our nation as a senior leader and have good reason to be concerned. Remember Germany. Help people, can I really get fined if I don't fill this crap out? Have you ever filed taxes? Oh, the reason he came back? He came by every hour starting at 6 Thursday. He was asking questions about me and my wife! Mind your own business. Federal law mandates as much, but the bureau also doesn't seek to penalize individuals who fail to participate. Let's see if she comes back for her shower. If anyone would love to start a case action in this matter feel free to get a hold of me. Box/Route Number Area code. Shame on you! The first phone call was late December and was not answered. For instance, the ACS asks how many persons live in your home, along with their names and detailed information about them such as their relationship to you, marital status, race and their physical, mental and emotional problems, etc. And if they threaten you, video record all of this exchange. Skip to main content. Remember, they work for you, not the other way around. [26] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/MaritalStatusHistory.pdf. The other info that the ACS wants can be obtained from other Departments. But not so with us. They're not authorized to do that. He ignored the legality but admitted there were corporate sponsors involved. And it would not fabricate stories in order to confiscate private information from the people it should be serving. It's just like a bunch of whiners. You are a perfect example of why people should be outraged by the ACS. I may answer the door this time, but my attitude is going to be that I won't allow this to cause me any more stress than deciding what toppings I want on my pizza. If this money is government funding for schools, street or seating representatives then why are so many teachers being laid off, why are the streets so damaged and incomplete. They never say that they are going to fine you. I am glad I am not the only one who tossed the thing in the garbage. I received the ACS invasion of privacy letter on my door yesterday. I am one who is living this nightmare: the letters, the phone calls, the personal visits, day in and day out, month after month. So he then left. Well its going to get colder before I give them the info. Person 18a. Comparing the American Community Survey to the American Housing Survey. Unlike the 2020 Census, the American Community Survey is an annual survey, sent by the US Census Bureau to a sample of the population each month (approximately 3.5 million households annually).. Again, we refused and she threatened their fine. If Big Brother wants to bring the law so be it. "the point that seems most lost here is that households chosen for ACS are just part of a statistical sample that is representative of the country as a whole". Quid pro quo," then slam the door in their face. Waiting for the calls, then the visits. That is what I've allowed them to do. For the information of the people here, Congressman Poe (Texas) and Bachmann (Minnesota)have introduced legislation to eliminate the ACS intrusive questions. I got no answer. That's exactly the number printed on the lower right had corner of my ACS form. I told him "We're done here". To meet hiring needs in instructional areas, we are hosting an in-person job fair at Oakton High School on Saturday, March 4, 2023 (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.). This has been going on for almost three months and has caused tremendous stress in our household. Like many, I received the original short census form, completed it and mailed it back immediately. Our surveys provide periodic and comprehensive statistics about the nation. Protect yourselves and your privacy, don't complete the form! This survey is not some spur of the moment mandate by the current administration. They haven't gone so far as to threaten, but I can sense that their tone is getting more firm. I received your American Community Survey some time ago, and shortly thereafter returned the survey, including only the information you are authorized to collect, and I am required to provide, per the requirements of Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, that is, the number of persons in our household, for the purposes of proper apportionment of our US Congressional representation. 1. Soundbar sold separately. This crap has been going on for almost a month now! The yahoos on the Hill will continue to usurp our rights. Has anyone really admittedly shown that proof that they got fined? Your results may vary but that was my experience. The Census Bureau can't issue a fine, they have to refer the case to the Dept. 1. Look it up. Matthew J. Holian, "Data and the American Dream: Contemporary Social Controversies and the American Community Survey" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) Awards and Nominations. Firm, clear refusal. I said if this "government guy" wanted to talk to me, I would immediately reserve my right to remain silent until I was represented by counsel. A few days ago had a census worker knock on my door. ), What in the world is wrong with you people? The ACS, sent annually in recent years to a sampling of more than 3 million U.S. households, collects detailed information on population and housing, helping to update the information gathered in. Learn the different ways to respond to the American Community Survey -- online, by phone, by email. There also is a 16-page guide that contains instructions on answering the questions. I have no problem with telling folks how many people, even our ages and nationalities. Parents/caregivers and community members will be invited to take the survey between March 6-20. I feel that a class action lawsuit should be started. or is any mention of if just more scare tactics to make us submit to this invasion of our lives? A: The U.S. Constitution requires that a decennial census be conducted every ten years for the purpose of making an actual enumeration of the persons within each state. To complete it by mail, simply. No one from the Census has been escorted off your property by the police - Title 13 gives them the right to be on your property. Give me one reason I should trust my government. This was way out of line and uncalled for! Alternatively, you can always "nut up" when they call. Explore census data with visualizations and view tutorials. Then I whistled up the dogs who escorted him tenderly to his car.