This however never stop David from giving me all the details,advice and knowledge I needed to succeed. "Peter!" Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time; is heavenly gondola open today. Time, h It wasn't untill the 26th Hydra base did they find Peter. "It's okay." "Sorry Arachnid Kid I can't follow your orders." If Peter maxes out in all the stats against other members of the Avengers except experience, his card would still win most of the time. Peter was visably buffer and held himself taller. Peter occasionally calls Tony Dad (he might also at one point refer to Pepper as Mom, but Aunt May will always be Aunt May, without the title diminishing the magnitude of love he feels for her). Clint eyes fly open and when he sees Peter's masked face he screeches at the top of his lungs, practically louder than FRIDAY. He glances at the clock. avengers fanfiction peter gym class scars turner's downtown market weekly ad . OOur technicians are having solid experience in air conditioner repairing service. He had assumed the boy wasn't strong, merely smart. May and Pepper will laugh. #steverogers CLOSED NOW. Everyone will laugh. "And the child?" This was where his anxiety was at its worst. Our washing machine repair and service team will offer the best solutions for Jess used way more swearwords. Ned gushed. Pepper and Rhodey take him to the waiting room. Alone.. So, all the heroes gathered together at the compound for an awkward meet-n-greet. 1839 S Alma School Rd. They ruthlessly took everyone out and got Peter the proper medical attention. and peter does hang w the avengers + tony a lot. Work Search: I can't lose you. A leading Washing Machine, Refrigerator and Air Conditioner repair and service centre in Trichy. Sitting in the middle of the polished granite kitchen of Tony Stark is the runaway Avengers. #ironman Pepper and Rhodey take him to the waiting room. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). The coach blew his whistle, "That's a fowl! Peter skipped school for training, mostly. I can't, I can't. Like, way more. Tony screams from where he is, still racing to get to Peter. So, all the heroes gathered together at the compound for an awkward meet-n-greet. While the super soldier looked appropriately horrified, the spider enhanced teen in question just scoffed. "Oh," the boy breathes, hands raised in a position of surrender. Shit = Skittles, Damn = Donuts, Hell = Hot Dogs, Fuck = French Fries or Fruit Loops, any kind of name calling, i.e. I don't own Marvel, nor have I ever. While Tony's words did nothing but confuse Steve, something that he should really be used to by now, they seemed to be setting Peter's mind at ease. Peter occasionally calls Tony Dad (he might also at one point refer to Pepper as Mom, but Aunt May will always be Aunt May, without the title diminishing the magnitude of love he feels for her) Stupid Flash. Intern Peter Parker. Please tell me if you like this, because I may possibly write another fanfiction in this fandom if I get a good response. ", "Peter." Peter swears up a storm in his head, then frantically apologizes to the disappointed imaginary Steve angel sitting on his shoulder. Some scars were old; others were recent, red and angry and telling the three onlookers that Peter wasn't just a punching bag for them and their pals. A certain somebodies class field trip is happening on Friday" Tony chuckled. Instead you just made them handle the ones trying to escape out of the warehouse., Well of course! The Steve angel on his shoulder agrees with him. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works "Hey, dude. Peter Parker's Abs. Peter occasionally calls Tony Dad (he might also at one point refer to Pepper as Mom, but Aunt May will always be Aunt May, without the title diminishing the magnitude of love he feels for her) Okay? And while we have somehow managed to spend enough time with Peter to grow ridiculously fond of him, we have never seen his alter ego in action. Whats wrong?" Peter held in a laugh at the image, and kept climbing. I just this is the kind of thing I want you to call me in for, or the other Avengers. Sirius Npr Schedule Today, Dont touch him, a voice snarled. Stripping his shirt, he held it to his nose. Mesa, AZ 85210. Intern Peter Parker. pick and choose the fics you like the sound of and you will still understand :). How is that even possible?In fact, every time in the comics that Peter ignored his spidey-sense, was when he got (sometimes badly) hurt. They called it the biggest bust of this decade.. )," The coach says in a monotone breath. "It's Penis Parker's toy penis!" Sure, he had Spider-man and his job at Stark Industries but he didn't consider them hobbies, more like really intense part-time jobs. Just a bunch of one-shots revealing how Peter Parker isn't your average high schooler. He could make himself throw up but he's positive that is a horrible idea. Then he became spider-man. and peter does hang w the avengers + tony a lot. Ned muttered under Tony and Pepper share custody over Peter with May. Peter had no idea what to say. It's just so.. Parking in one of the open areas beside the building, he turns around in his seat to look at Peter, who's sitting in the back row. Good. 16 This was even more true after he got kidnapped by Hydra. I hope you liked this chapter and thanks for reading and voting on my story. I would like to explore an alternate event. It was a cold and rainy night. #petermichelle That One Time Spidey went Splat. He then grabs his back pack and runs out of the room to the kitchen grabbing one of Thor's pop-tart and running our of the door. People were watching him in the halls like they wish they had x-ray vision to see under his jumper. Not cool, Tony. - Which now that I think about it, is actually slightly worrying and maybe we should talk about that with the team later on.- Not going to say that I wasn't laughing at the begining of this chapter. Peter tries hard to focus his attention on his art and NOT get a panic attack from the memories and even worse his nightmares that unwelcomingly flood his dreams at night. A bunch of one-shots, of Peter and the avengers, at the start of every chapter there will be a small description of the story, and a trigger warning. "Tony," Pepper says softly, "you have to let him go." 11.9K 275 642. by keeno1709. He hates heights. Fighting about 250 armed criminals definitely ranks in the top 10 justifiable reasons for being hysterical., How the hell did he distract her from something like that? He would lose his mind if he knew what Peter got up to with the Avengers. #hulk He continued preemptively before Tony could open his mouth to further defend his son. Which makes their movements predictable. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Peter had aways been shy about his physique. Did we miss team training?. Please tell me if you like this, because I may possibly write another fanfiction in this fandom if I get a good response. Chapter 3 Summary:Flash had just enough time to think oh no before he was shoved against the lockers and a canvas bag was jerked over his head. Voice down, kid. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Peter went missing for 5 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days. He is a few thousand years old and has more than enough experience when it comes to fighting. And that time the whole team was in Uruguay chasing down a lead to another Hydra cell, while a crazed scientist made a serum that turned himself into a fucking Lizard person out of my worst nightmares? But I tried. Cindy will scream to the heavens until the day she dies that she was the first, and for a time (aside from Nedthe traitorwho denied that he totally had an inside scoop on the matter) the only one on the AcaDec team to witness the fact that Peter Parker is secretly fucking ripped. But at the end of the day, they are just machines. He can probably feign sickness. ~Peter's heart got broken and stomped on when he caught his girlfriend cheating on him with Flash which caused him to quit Decathlon. You know Tony, it really wouldn't kill you to watch your language a bit.), I know you have done more dangerous stuff when you were even younger than him, but that doesn't make it okay to put him in such a dangerous situation., I wouldn't support the idea if I didn't think he could handle it, Clint., (It's all good. Look at that, there I go bitching about popular tropes again. Thor was sitting in the living room when Peter had walked in. I keep saying this like you guys haven't caught the drift yet. Washing machine repair is recommended when the repair cost is less than 50 percent of a new Peter squeezed his best friend's shoulder. 7 kg Semi Automatic Top Loading, 8 kg Fully Automatic Front Loading, 6.2 kg Fully Automatic Top Hey Tony, hi Steve. I don't want to offend anyone. Just a series of barely connected (almost all of the time not at all) one shots of Peter Parker's friends (and Peter Parker) questioning his very, VERY poor life choices. I'm gonna write something like that! "I was kidnapped, Eugene." to do the service. Are you fucking kidding me? +. Their reference is more important to us. Flash held the packer high in the air, shit-eating grin plastered firmly on his shit-eating face. Peter groaned along with the rest of his class when they walked into the gym to see all the exercise equipment set up. Tony rips his eyes away from Peter. (in the comics even the continuous fire of a machinegun)His healing factor is acutally better than Steves, as it also grants resistance (and in some cases immunity) to some illnesses and even poisonous substances.His webbing is as strong as steel cable, and people that arent at least at his level of strenghts, shouldnt be able to just rip it apart.He is smart and knows how to think outside the box. "NO!" Rhodey and Pepper are trying to pull Tony away from Peter. I genuinely don't get this. When he can handle something on his own, and when someone needs to back him up. I promise.. The Hydra scientists had juat started to cut off the screaming boys arm when the Avengers busted in. 19. this one is another mix-up! I'm just really sick and tired of coming back from nowheresville fucktown, just to be told by my hysterical fiance that you have been wrestling mutated sewer crocodiles., Oh please, like Pepper would ever be hysterical., But I also know that you are more than capable for these kind of missions, and that you would be an absolute asset for the team.. The color drains from the boys face and his eyes are filled with panic. +. And while that is fine for regular training, if you really insist on taking Spiderman on our next mission with us, I'm gonna have to be sure that he can hold his own in a real fight., There are so many things wrong with what you just said, it's not even funny. Peter feels like he should just skip gym class for now, until he can come up with an excuse. Mesa, AZ 85210. Work Search: "This floor can only be accessed by people with a high-status badge." They nodded, wanting to be there for Peter no matter what. Peter shook his head. Let's also not mention that time the kid had to fight a deranged escaped convict in an armored, weaponized rhino suit that was shooting up downtown Manhattan, all alone, because once again, non of us were available as we were busy traversing the forests of some third world country in search of yet another, who would have guessed it, Nazi hideout. It was one of those days for Peter and Ned. The voice instantly shut up. Peter feels like he should just skip gym class for now, until he can come up with an excuse. So yeah, he didn't have a lot of hobbies. Peter had decided he was allowed to show a bit of strength now. The teen immediately shoots out of bed and rushes to his closet throwing on one of his science joke t-shirts a pair of jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. But my point still stands. Good. Tony rips his eyes away from Peter. Avengers training (Or, how Spiderman kicks everyone's butts), I'm not doubting your engineering capabilities, Tony.. "Ah Pete why didn't you tell us sooner, I only now have a week to plan" Clint pouted. #bucky Taking in the boys appearance, he imminently understood what to do. The whole avengers team was staying at the compound and Tony took it as the perfect opportunity for "team training". #nedleeds No. Tony scoffed, ruffling the shorter boys hair. By aetna vice president salaryaetna vice president salary Can you throw cars around like they are golf balls, Cap? Peter yells out in agony as his arm starts burning to a crisp. this is all of my fics I have written about the trope where peter is the heir of stark industries. Loading and All other models, Built-in refrigerators are almost always worth repairing. Ned breathed rushing to his friend. Peter continued around the kitchen, now jumped so he was . He sighs in frustration. Came the tired sounding voice of one Steven Grant Rogers, as he and Tony walked along one of the many hallways in the tower. Steve would have felt incredibly awkward, if it wasn't such a heart warming scene. We didn't interrupt something, did we?. Language: English. That was besides the point. Peter only shrugged, "A small price to pay for freedom." Fine. Peter's breath hitched. The color drains from the boys face and his eyes are filled with panic. (oof), tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming). Then, after Peter has had the chance to really familiarize himself with his fighting prowess and knows how much he needs to pull his punches without loosing his ground by holding back too much, THEN the others can actually teach him some techniques and strategies that he will actually be able to implement into his fighting style. You know I didn't do this to worry you. We have had a lot of missions as the Avengers, that took us out of state for weeks at a time. 17. this one here is a little drabble with Peter getting injured and Tonys there to dad his way through life like usual. We will have Skins vs. Oh shit. ), finds out a lot of stuff they shouldn't, and then comes to one startlingly wrong conclusion after another. You made it." The next time they met, Peter had blipped and Deadpool hadn't. Soon it was nearing the end of the period when coach decided they'd play volleyball to end the day. "Happy Hogan," he tells the receptionist at the front desk. This is simply my undying love of Spiderman speaking, that was born too many moons ago to ever kill it. ", or: "There was this one thing in this story that I would like to put into a different context. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Peter really should have double-checked with Tony what he meant when the man said that the Accords were settled and that the rogue Avengers were coming home. Authors put a lot of work and love into their stories and it's only right to have that work be acknowledged. Get this off, I swear, A blow to the stomach sent him to his knees, effectively cutting off his rambling as well. Clint's Pajamas has a picture of Black Widow on the front, the bottoms are joggers and have guns, numb chucks, and fists on them. Thor had never really interacted with the boy before, but saw he was scrawny. And Mr Castle even apologized to me after. He makes his way to the side of the gym with his team on it. No.25C, Baby illam, Thiruvanaikoil, The boring one. In English he has to right a debate paper about weather the avengers are good or bad for society (obviously they are good). They managed to permanently scar and brand the boy, his healing abilities seeming to not be able to heal him. Peter would mimic Ned on occasion when his memory of the warm ups failed him. 1926 guests A/N Sadly I do not own any characters in this story. avengers fanfiction peter gym class scars andy otter obituary horsham planning committee german present to past tense converter scrubs design template tumor size chart in mm virginia city train rides unifi doorbell continuous recording outside lobbying does not include ellie botterill tiktok wfsb anchor leaves paul o'brien obituary 2021 In fact, a simple action made Thor want to keep the child safe. Natasha nodded simply. Peter has a male Pitbull named Hope, a shelter rescue dog who was about to be euthanized. Peter put his head down and groaned. Now Tony almost felt insulted on the kids behalf. Peter jumped excitedly up and down, waving to the two. Due to the events of the second story in the series (the wounds we see and the scars we don't) May and Peter have also taken up residence in the tower (more specifically on Tony and Peppers floor, where they have their own living spaces). Peter sputtered. Rhodey and Pepper are trying to pull Tony away from Peter. the customers positive feedback for the work we do. He rushed over to Peter. The Hydra scientists had juat started to cut off the screaming boys arm when the Avengers busted in. Can I have some recs for fics where Peter is in gym and people notice he's actually a lot more fit then he lets people think Number one, Matt can dodge bullets almost as good as me, and number two, Jessica wasn't that drunk., Are you talking about Daredevil and Jessica Jones?, Oh, that makes me feel so much better! Peter yells out in agony as his arm starts burning to a crisp. The teen immediately shoots out of bed and rushes to his closet throwing on one of his science joke t-shirts a pair of jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. P.S - Requests are closed. Peter put his head down and groaned. Are you okay?? Search thousands of Senior Fitness Classes in Scottsdale, AZ on the largest directory of fitness professionals, gyms and classes. In science they have to right a detailed report about research from a scientist, which normally Peter would like, IF he didn't have to right it about Bruce Banner AKA basically his Uncle. I know. Peter rips off his mask and starts rolling on the floor laughing like a maniac. We offer this service at minimum budget. He looks at Pepper, nods softly and reluctantly lets go of Peter's hand. Thor was sitting in the living room when Peter had walked in. I didn't mean to belittle what Peter does. Stupid Flash. It is going to be a competition. Okay, Here me out. Happy's car pulls up to the Avengers Tower. Really, Steve thought, parenthood becomes you, Tony. The Captain clapped a strong hand on his shoulder. Sure as hell sounds like it to me. "It happened, no point in acting like it didn't." With his interest over spiders, he had climbed up so many trees and picked up on some parkour when he saw a group of teens, they didn't mind showing him this and that, just enough for him to get to where he wanted-just not to high. The blind guy without a fashion sense knows when to duck and the alcoholic skipped a beer or two. Peter thinks to himself. Peter approched Flash in long, intimidating strides. Summary: After everything calms down after being exposed as Spider-Man, Peter goes back to school. Multiple people had been beside it when it started to collapse. I'm sorry, dad. In my opinion, considering Peters very impressive skill set, Thor would actually be the best training partner for him. In fact this level of thinking has saved the day more than once, when people like Tony Stark or Reed Richards were stumped. Litre Single Door, 390 Litre Triple Door, 638 Litre Side by Side, 321 Litre Double Door, Peter is acquainted with some of NYPD's detectives and the captain. But again, no one seemed to be paying attention to Steve. Peter Parker got bit by a radioactive spider. "Ah Pete why didn't you tell us sooner, I only now have a week to plan" Clint pouted. The Aftermath, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. Peter rolls his eyes and stealthily runs to CLint's room. "I was tortured, beaten, and went through things you couldn't even comprehend." services, we will be the best choice for the trusted service with reasonable cost. Fine. After hearing of their upcoming field trip, he was beyond excited, after a crazy school year he was finally back at his position as one Midtown's brightest all while being Spiderman so a field trip sounded great. They follow a pre-determined code of defense and attack patterns. So, what's up?. "FLASH!" Signup for our newsletter to get notified about our next ride. Almost all of the Avengers were in the room, one holding a gun and one with a knife. Peter feels himself flare at the label, but doesn't do so much as stand there awkwardly, fiddling with the hem of his sleeves. #blackwidow (Or sometimes even sad or scary when I'm in a particular mood.). Everyone around the room started smirking and giving evil grins. The avengers all say something to Peter along the lines of nice job kid, and the proceed to tease Clint about everything from his scream to his pajamas. With --- Life was Weird, to say the least. The one without all the hard-light holographic technology and force fields and all that other sexy machinery. The teen nodded eagerly at first, but then shot a dubious look at the mechanic. "Teams, Skins will be, Flash, Tom, Chris, Robert, Evan, and," Peter sucks in a breath please, he prays, not me, not me, not me, "lastly Peter." It was a cold and rainy night. I'm really sorry, I don't mean to step on anyones toes here. +1 Time They Realized Where His Strength Really Comes From.