with Corbyn as honorary President would be a more exciting development. Whats the name of this new group of 12? All candidates in the Labour leadership election earlier this year pledged to implement an independent process, and this is a compulsory move following the publication of the final EHRC report on Labour antisemitism. Who are the HNW donors who are funding this new socialist grouping. Talks a good game. Starmer is not for turning, so what do they have in their armoury to force him too? Labour has been served with an unlawful act notice on the basis of the investigation by the EHRC. anyone care to guess if Starmer is one of them ? NVLA..Shes a stunner but they all like to play Hollywood in the USA.Now in dear old blighty its playing kings and queens and lords and ladys with Knights of the realm..ITs all theatre and not worth the price of a ticket.so sad . The right of access, throughout life, to the full range of human knowledge, through education at school, in college and afterwards. The right of free speech and assembly, the entrenchment of civil liberties and human rights and the right to organise voluntary associations and free trade unions for the purpose of protecting and improving the prospects for those who belong to them, and in particular, the right to withdraw labour as a means of securing justice. Fair weather socialists (?) LabourList has more readers than ever before - but we need your support. Well Ill give this group time. My grandfather was apprenticed to be a plumber before he joined the colours and went off to the Somme. Pauline Bryan Liberals, set up liberal thing. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/portuguese-go-polls-snap-election-marked-by-covid-uncertainty-2022-01-30/. been left wing in the slightest. [9] Socialist Campaign Group MPs made up a significant number of these including Tony Benn, who gave his full support to the campaign and spoke at the 200,000 strong anti-Poll Tax demonstration in Trafalgar Square,[11] and Jeremy Corbyn who appeared at Highbury Magistrates' Court in 1991 for not paying his poll tax bill of 481. Left He doesnt care coz hes well minted and it doesnt affect his life. [9] Tony Benn described the relationship of the campaign against the Poll Tax with the Labour Party: "The main credit for defeating this monstrosity [the Poll Tax] must go to those, first in Scotland and then in England and Wales, who organised the anti-poll tax unions and the federation that brought them together, for without their brilliant leadership and the mass rallies which they organised the Tories might just have got away with it. Thats a sign of a lightweight. Our dedicated coverage of Labour's policies and personalities, internal debates, selections and elections relies on donations from our readers. He should be reinstated as soon as possible so we can focus on implementing the EHRC recommendations., Statement following tonights meeting of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. Some activists have been campaigning for this to end for over 20 years. John Prescott, Ann Clywd and Margaret Beckett were the other deputy leadership contenders.[36]. [57], During the 2016 referendum Corbyn led Labour in campaigning to remain. Jon Trickett MP What a vile individual he is ! If youd like to help it keep revealing the news as it is and not what the Establishment wants you to hear and can afford to without hardship pleaseclick hereto arrange a one-off or modest monthly donation via PayPal orhereto set up a monthly donation via GoCardless (SKWAWKBOX will contact you to confirm the GoCardless amount). Good luck, now let's organise! office possibly that is why it has taken them so long to produce Sam Gorst, Labour councillor for Liverpool's Cressington ward, was . The SCG MPs called for the party to unite behind the implementation of the EHRCs recommendations, and stressed the importance of the labour movement coming together to take the fight to the Tories in the face of the pandemic. Where do they stand on the dangerous, fake pandemic? Build bridges with Starmer, secure their careers as Labour MPs as the real left is driven out. Nearly every one of the twenty-odd ex-members of the Campaign Group sitting in the 198792 Parliament was appointed to the front bench shortly after leaving the group. Our dedicated coverage of Labour's policies and personalities, internal debates, selections and elections relies on donations from our readers. Temporary commission in the military as an officer , Lets see what they deliver from their wish list. [64] Owen Smith secured the required nominations to run against him. It was a campaign initiated by that well known opponent of racism, the Daily Mail in an article written even . The Socialist Campaign Group, also known as the Campaign Group, officially Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs is a left-wing , democratic socialist grouping of Labour Party Members of Parliament in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. Len McCluskey, leader of the Unite union, Labour's biggest financial donor, also rolled back from his more combative tone from Thursday, saying it was "a sensitive time" and people should remain. I have tried highlighting the injustice of the 550,000 British overseas pensioners who have been shafted by successive governments. Two of our members @RLong_Bailey & @RichardBurgon are running for Leader and Deputy Leader respectively of @UKLabour. [9] Members of the Socialist Campaign Group also led a "direct action protest" in the House of Commons by refusing to sit down in order to force a debate on the strike. [2] Corbyn was immediately nominated by Campaign Group MPs including John McDonnell (who became chair of his campaign), Diane Abbott, Ronnie Campbell, Kelvin Hopkins, Michael Meacher, Dennis Skinner, Richard Burgon, Clive Lewis and Cat Smith. Fluoride is used in the corrosive etching process. Nadia Whittome MP Not sure what they are up to but One less vote..Where have we heard that before? . He pursued a 'carrot and stick' approach to undermining the Campaign Group by promoting MPs who were willing to leave the Campaign Group and renounce their previously held views and by isolating those who remained members. many loyal Party members targeted by the Right. Borax is used allot in blacksmithing as well to help forge welding or joining 2 bits of usually steel especially in Damacus or pattern weald steel for knives and other sharp stabby stuff to stop oxygen messing up the weald. Devoid of political heavyweights like Right Wing Labour, irrelevant. that is OK by me. Its 17 . LOL. Tony Benn's decision to challenge Denis Healey for the Deputy Leadership of the Labour Party in 1981 was heavily criticised by Labour's leader, Michael Foot,[3] who had long been associated with the Labour left and Tribune Group. [35] Following this defeat Kinnock introduced a Policy Review, which many on the left thought would lead to an abandonment of the party's commitment to Clause IV, public ownership and the transformation of society. The two far left parties paid the price, losing more than a half of their seats, according to exit polls. I smell a Rat..even from 8ooo miles away! real motives. [45] However, although Meacher gave his support to McDonnell following Blair's resignation not all of his supporters switched allegiance, leaving McDonnell short of the nominations required and leading to Gordon Brown becoming leader unopposed. To her credit, she footslogged like no other. Just wonder if this is the prelude to a leadership bid by at least a couple of them. [40] This ensured that Gould received enough nominations to ensure a contest between him and Smith, and that Ken Livingstone and Bernie Grant were kept off the ballot. Among its planned funding streams are a levy of 1,000 per MP to be taken from their training budgets and contributions from. It would be accurate, at least. Corbyn was in court alongside 16 other Islington residents all opposing the levy on grounds other than inability to pay. Both McDonnell and Meacher agreed that whichever of them had the support of fewer Labour MPs at the point of Tony Blair's resignation would withdraw from the campaign and support the other. Former Shadow Home Secretary. Rachel Hopkins MP when he was really quite another. It was here that members of the Socialist Campaign Group - the 35 most left-wing MPs in the Labour party - spent three days parading their grievances with the Starmer project. The SCG statement comes as Keir Starmer heard warnings at a meeting with Jewish community groups on Wednesday that the actions of leading figures on the left and within the trade union movement risked hindering his attempt to win back trust. Oh and you can add Sam Tarry from the above list. Not a Socialist. [10], Only 15 Labour MPs supported the Anti Poll Tax Federation. Like all, her voting actions show her true colours. Thanks for reminding us why this new group needs our active support. FWIW, I like the new financially independent group is honest, specifically: * That its not separatist against the authoritarian pro-neoliberal, (anti-socialist) centrists; * that it remains like a thorn in its side within the historical Labour party (until the aggressive RW gets its act together and suspends every single group member and the tens of thousands of former party members who support, raise money for, sustain community links and campaign in support of the new group; * that it is investigating a new organisational structure (not least to protect itself from the authoritarian pro-crony-capitalism clique currently serving Sir Keir of the Establishment Starmer, but sure as eggs someone else in the very near future). Is that a genuine hope of just a way to have a dig at the SCG? But ask how she got her rank without the 15 years service? Really interesting, thank you Joseph. As a clear grouping, it emerged in Parliament from members of the left-wing Tribune Group who did not support Tony Benn's 1981 deputy leadership bid. [63] Corbyn promoted a number of Campaign Group MPs to fill his Shadow Cabinet including Richard Burgon, Rebecca Long-Bailey, Grahame Morris and Clive Lewis, and with their support along with that of other left wing MPs and the mobilisation of members by Momentum Corbyn refused to resign. Nadia is the Labour MP for Nottingham East, and a former care worker. After all the leader will be handing out front bench appointments for the rest of this Parliament! Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally, How To Intervene in Police and State Power with Copwatch Network, Left Book Club x TWT: Socialism and Literature, With Yara Rodrigues Fowler, Wendy Liu, Elif Sarican. Its the electoral equivalent of a drunk looking in the light of a street lamp, for something lost in the dark across the road. Diane Abbott MP Not sure what to make of it I quite like Clive Lewis and Dawn Butler. Yes, Starmers turning up to commemorate the 13 citizens murdered by the British Estalishment. to see this bullshit! Margaret Beckett described this change as "unprecedented". lead pipe and wiped moleskin soldered joints using tallow and plumbers black we moved into copper and soldered \brazed joints and active flux.Five years Apprenticeship and then further studys in just what our water supplies including the notorious flouride and now Graffine..Somebody needs to do somthing about this disgraceful attempt by unregulated private money making companys that are litterly poisoning the people.to avoid any attempt at purifying our water supplies through filtered beds of granules which from their point of veiw is expensive and Labour intensive. [33], During his time as Leader Neil Kinnock moved the Labour party to adopt centrist politics. Grahame Morris MP The UK is completely different so any such group in the UK would, just like the SCG, be largely a talking shop. It got posted on the next report too. with Corbyn as honorary President would be a more exciting development. For 14 years Gaza has been under siege. We stand with people all around the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in defence of their inalienable rights. We need a new Left Wing Democratic Socialist Army with courage and vision! [38], Labour's electoral college was weighted 40% to affiliated unions, 30% to Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) and 30% to MPs in the Parliamentary Labour Party. calling Boris Johnson a liar, actions involving dresscodes, taking theknee in the chamber etc. People are getting wise to the Establishment liar. Fingers crossed ..like many I would like to see the The right of everyone to receive an income sufficient to maintain a decent standard of living. He also made it clear that public repudiation of the group would be amply and swiftly rewarded. Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally 7,852 views Premiered Oct 4, 2021 398 Dislike Share Save The World Transformed 6.12K subscribers Support TWT for as little as 1 / month:. LabourList has more readers than ever before - but we need your support. All the previous criticisms of the 60 or so prior cross-sectional studies, showing lowered IQ associated with fluoride, were addressed in the Bashash 2017 study. Rupa Huq has had the Labour whip restored following her suspension from the party after she described then, This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. The way to operate in the UK is for them to be active in extra-parliamentary campaigns and the trade union movement. Rebecca Long-Bailey MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP If youd like to help it keep revealing the news as it is and not what the Establishment wants you to hear and can afford to without hardship pleaseclick hereto arrange a one-off or modest monthly donation via PayPal orhereto set up a monthly donation via GoCardless (SKWAWKBOX will contact you to confirm the GoCardless amount). Organisation [ edit] Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. The Socialist Campaign Group, officially the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs and also known as the Campaign Group, is a left-wing, democratic socialist grouping of the Labour Party 's Members of Parliament in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. [17], Alan Simpson, a member of the Campaign Group during the New Labour years, described it as "the only bolt-hole of real political thought that I found throughout my parliamentary years they were the MPs you would always find on picket lines, at trade union and social movement rallies, on anti-war marches and at the forefront of campaigns to restore rather than exploit the planet. SKWAWKBOX privacy policy and GDPR information, on Exclusive: the 11 SCG MPs setting up a new new left group, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), After both CLP chairs, now Newham branch chair quits role and sham of a party over destruction of democracy, Starmer personal ratings lower than Corbyns were at same point in leadership, http://frozenbritishpensions.org/our-members/, https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/portuguese-go-polls-snap-election-marked-by-covid-uncertainty-2022-01-30/, Proud widow of wrong sort of Jew tells Starmer: Mike faced antisemitism from you, not members, Student apologises publicly to Corbyn for allowing pretentious d*ck Starmer to use him for photo opp, Coyle suspended from Commons for abuse with racial overtones, Starmers Labour abstains on vote to protect journalists from state persecution, allowing Tory win, JLM tells Greens: how dare you welcome Jews we dont like. The squawking one claims: The Socialist Campaign Group, officially the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs and also known as the Campaign Group, is a left-wing, democratic socialist grouping of the Labour Party's Members of Parliament in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. The structure and operation of the political system in the US is completely different from that in the UK. We all know what they must do, a new party and fuck this neoliberal shitshow Labour party. Claudia Webbe MP Zarah Sultana MP Claudia Webbe MP Something I am in full agreement with you is, Labour fake left SOG AKA The Squad! [36], Following this election the party rules were changed to quadruple the number of MPs required to nominate a candidate to launch a leadership challenge from 5% to 20% (lowered in 1993 to 12.5% for elections where the incumbent had resigned). Until that is done the Gulf War will be the first of many such wars where Western countries declare war on Third World countries, allegedly for reasons of international law but in reality for an unjust economic order and against people attempting to claim their right to self-determination like the Kurds. Clive Lewis MP Corbyn's opponents in the National Executive Committee were alleged by Robert Peston to have sought to "fix"[65] the result by increasing the fee for becoming a registered supporter from 3 to 25 and excluding from voting the 130,000 new members who had joined in the previous 6 months. The result, boosted by a higher than expected turnout despite the coronavirus pandemic, comes as a surprise after the Socialists had lost most of their advantage in recent opinion polls, and means Portugal will have a stable government to oversee the application of EU pandemic recovery funds. [40], John Smith won the electoral college vote against Gould with 91% of the vote. Originally called the Gay Labour Group, [3] the purpose of this organisation is to campaign within the Labour Party and wider Labour movement to promote the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ( LGBT) peoples, and to encourage members of the LGBT community to support the Labour Party. These people are not even vaguely socialist. Speaking as a grass-roots socialist and trade unionist : Can I ask you why you think hes a Socialist? History is with the science. [9], In 1989 Margaret Thatcher's Conservative Government announced plans to introduce a flat-tax to fund local Government. Answer nothing. Hes alright, too. Thanks for your solidarity so SKWAWKBOX can keep doing its job. Socialist Campaign Group MPs John McDonnell and Diane Abbott both sought nominations to run; however, McDonnell withdrew from the race after it became clear he would not receive sufficient nominations, and instead supported Abbott to give her the best chance of making it onto the ballot. No further comment is necessary. Stark I dont know if it is wrong or not .. it could The right to life, free from fear, oppression, ignorance, preventable ill-health or poverty. Jeremy Corbyn is the MP for Islington North and former leader of the Labour Party. [43], No Campaign Group MPs backed Tony Blair, who went on to win the contest. But while the vast majority are struggling to get by, its boom time for the privileged few who are getting ever richer and the corporations raking in record profits. On Monday evening, MPs from the Socialist Campaign Group (SCG) issued a statement through Twitter denouncing the government's coronavirus policy as "class war.". John Hendy [8], "From the day Kinnock became leader he made it clear that membership of the left wing Campaign Group of Labour MPs would be a bar to promotion within the PLP. Ian Mearns MP To support the SKWAWKBOX and raise awareness of the independent Left media, visit our store for T-shirts, hoodies and more. a fair report? An MPs Strategic Coordination Proposal document, obtained by Skwawkbox, says that the groups budget to March of this year will be almost 32,000, with a first year of operations costing 133,000. Socialist Campaign Group Privacy Policy Socialist Campaign Group Thank you for signing up Who we are Home Thank you for signing up Thank you for signing up Thank you for signing up to get updates about the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. The MPs wrote: The Equality and Human Rights Commision report ought to have been an important moment for the Labour Party to reflect and move forward together in battle against antisemitism. Several MPs and groups within the Labour Party, as well as trade union Unite leader Len McCluskey, have since argued that the suspension is wrong, and called on the Labour leader to reverse the disciplinary action. a new structure and I wouldnt blame anyone strategic use of parliamentaryspeeches and questions clipped for social media, coordination around Private MembersBills and amendments to Bills, media interventions around select committeeappearances etc Playing with Parliamentary conventions to capture media attention and generate debatein Westminster i.e. The right to equality of treatment under just laws, free from all discrimination based upon class, sex, race, life-style or beliefs. Especially when they get paid 80k a year with a generous expense account and a good pension. Although the Campaign Group did not require members to adhere to a particular set of policies, the group did occasionally set out statements of principle. Another complete waste of time and money. Cant see him here: I dont think we have a bunch of careerists here. Trying to save their own necks more like. "[26], With Tory support, the reforms were eventually passed by 422 to 98 votes. pic.twitter.com/qhuovdGVSI, Socialist Campaign Group (@socialistcam) November 4, 2020, Diane Abbott MP [9], In 2005, Blair's government announced plans to encourage every school to become an independent self-governing trust. The right to enjoy dignity, and a full life, in retirement in suitable accommodation, free from financial anxieties, with proper medical, and other, facilities, including personal care, necessary to make that possible. JC supports us but so called Socialists are nowhere to be found. No one can speak on behalf of the whole group on that basis We are backbenchers and frontbenchers and believe in the power of insider and outsiderstrategies in the Labour Party and will have MPs pushing both within the group. MPs using their training budget (Im not sure if thats from party funds or part of their parliamentary expenses) to fund this seems cheeky. They will not rest until the Labour Party has been purged of all traces of socialism. Jon Trickett MP Diane Abbott is the Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington. They have cut off the arms of the Left Labour MPs. Apsana Begum MP [2] The Campaign Group maintains close links with Momentum. She is a member of the far right Democratic party, a party born out of slave owners and has never from its birth ever ever! To be fair the victims were remembered in Parliament at At that time the left on the NEC predicted that the new rule would rebound against democracy in the entire party including the soft left who voted for it. There must have been terabytes of digital files landing in Fordes This decision and the division it causes severely undermines efforts to unite to defeat antisemitism and fully implement the EHRC recommendations and to challenge and defeat this disastrous Conservative government. They couldnt give a fuck. Today we agreed at our meeting to support our comrades in their candidature. The EHRC report published last week found Labour responsible for three breaches of the Equality Act relating to political interference in antisemitism complaints; failure to provide adequate training to those handling them; and harassment. I think they are career politicians. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs on the party's left wing have issued a statement calling for the reversal of the decision taken by Keir Starmer not to restore the whip to Jeremy Corbyn. the police must have known what was going on at the time. Our own Squad. MPs hostile to Corbyn leaked internal emails to the BBC which showed that Corbyn's team had resisted moves to pursue a more hostile line on immigration and suggested that this was evidence that Corbyn had sought to "sabotage" the remain campaign. We are pushing the Labour leadership to do better on its economic approach . Absolutely pathetic from a bunch of cowards. [50] Abbott was the first black woman to ever contest the Labour leadership. Not only have they stitched up who will win but they have also stitched up who will lose and in what order. In 2010 nominations from 33 MPs (12.5% of the Parliamentary Labour Party) were required to make it onto the ballot paper. However, many of these references are either misquoted or based on outdated science and the many, newer peer-reviewed studies are either misrepresented or not referenced at all. However, they did not respond when asked to confirm explicitly to confirm that this meant there was no intention ever to leave the SCG and to clarify who would be considered qualified to join, there was no response. Corbyn spoke at 15 rallies from London to Hastings to Aberdeen, reached more than 10 million people with his Remain messages on social media, made six statements in the Commons and put forward Remain arguments during interviews on Sky, BBC, ITV and Channel 4. Defy billionaire-backed media and become a monthly supporter from just 1 per month. What does that actually mean? Corrupt or corrupted? [5], The Campaign Group subsequently organised itself around opposition to the direction the party took under the leadership of Kinnock and his successors. Only one of the eleven (Kim Johnson) voted against the welfare cap. Those MPs who did support Benn quit to form the Socialist Campaign Group, and the Tribune Group soon descended into a fan club for Kinnock's leadership before becoming defunct in the 1990s. PS this is not a invitation to f and blind..! He is aiming to pass a bill banning MPs from taking any money from oil and gas companies, Labour MP for Hemsworth, Former Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office and Parliamentary Private Secretary to Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Beckett's campaign was supported due to her position that Tory anti-union laws should be repealed and that anti-union changes to the party constitution should stop. Co-Chair of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. Never acknowledged by a single Socialist MP on Twitter. The 2015 Leadership Election was the first held under new rules introduced by Ed Miliband following the Collins Review which recommended moving to a one-member one vote (OMOV) system. Rupa Huq has had the Labour whip restored following her suspension from the party after she described then, This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. If you wish to receive more information, fill in the form below. Pauline Bryan, By clicking subscribe you confirm you have read and agree to our privacy policy. He told The Times newspaper "I am here today because thousands of people who elected me just cannot afford to pay. The Board of Deputies of British Jews president Marie van der Zyl welcomed Starmers withholding of the Labour whip from Corbyn and described the move as an appropriate leadership decision. But among the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs, many alleged the party was no longer able be the broad church that it was under other successful Labour leaders such as Clement Attlee and. In the days following the referendum a number of Corbyn's critics resigned from the Shadow Cabinet and the parliamentary party passed a vote of no confidence in Corbyn by 172 votes against to 40 for. These schools would, like academies, determine their own curriculum and ethos, appoint the governing body, control their own assets, employ their own staff and set their own admissions policy. The right to a good home for all in which to live, bring up children and care for all dependents. This would be one more step in Starmers plan to make Labour safe for the socially regressive those Tories he thinks he needs to persuade to vote Labour in order to win a general election. [6], An advertisement in Tribune (24 April 1983) gave the membership of the Campaign Group as: Norman Atkinson, Tony Benn, Ron Brown, Dennis Canavan, Bob Cryer, Don Dixon, Martin Flannery, Stuart Holland, Bob Litherland, Joan Maynard, Willie McKelvey, Andy McMahon, Bob McTaggart, Michael Meacher, Bob Parry, Reg Race, Allan Roberts, Ernie Roberts, Dennis Skinner, and John Tilley. They have cut off their legs. Our preference is likely for a new legal structure if Lloyd is able to administer but wed likeopinions on this. So there is surely nothing wrong in forming Im sorry to say the list is not what I would call left, soft left yes, which is why they arent going for the jugular. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs on the partys left wing have issued a statement calling for the reversal of the decision taken by Keir Starmer not to restore the whip to Jeremy Corbyn. As the deadline for nominations approached it started to look as though all other candidates would be excluded not only Livingstone and Grant but also Ann Clwyd, Bryan Gould and John Prescott."[40]. Blair ally Patricia Hewitt was alleged to have described the rebellion as a "conspiracy organised by the Socialist Campaign Group"[20]. Of those involved in the new group, only one appears to have publicly expressed support for Jeremy Corbyn though that one was after the result of the Labour NECs vote on whether to reinstate Corbyn to the Labour benches was already known.