So, with your composite Saturn in your ninth house, you may think more conservatively together than when you are apart. You are unlikely to get into a rut when it comes to conversations, as you dont focus only on talking about the basicswhat needs to be done, how things should be done, etc. A feeling that each person in the relationship is responsible for the other's emotional fulfillment is a predominant factor when Saturn is in the eighth house of a composite chart. So, the composite twelfth-house Saturn clouds your relationship with a heavy, serious feeling that wears on you. Proper protocol is considered important in your dealings with structured organizations, and you are careful to follow their rules. While grievances tend to be out in the open, and this can be very helpful, you will need to try to avoid competing with one another. Mars in 8th House synastry relationships are remarkably dynamic in nature and are usually formed between people in business, science, as well as in various intellectual fields. There is an aura of wisdom around you as a couple. To achieve that, it should be in a favorable sign. They may feel compelled to explore the macabre, taboo, and darker side of society. Consequently, people may see you as a serious couple or simply an unexpressive couple. The following interpretations are far from comprehensive. As a couple, you project an open-minded, fun-loving, and adventurous image. Sexual fantasies might play a large role in this relationship. Composite Sun in the 1st House. This can be good and bad. . The feeling of restriction, self-doubt, and awkwardness that Saturn brings are detrimental to the creativity and spontaneity of this house. Traditionally, it's been called the house of sex, death, and taxes. At the same, it may confer an element of suspiciousness and nosiness in the person who has this in their chart. The best way to handle this energy is to put your egos aside and avoid expecting too much from the partnership. If either one of you feels that you are in the relationship in order to support the other person rather than for love, resentment can build. Some may find the relationship lacking somewhat in depth or intimacy, as emphasis is on the rational world of logic and intellect. A worst, you feel completely restricted in your communication, and it's difficult to discuss important issues. You are careful to follow proper rules of etiquette with acquaintances and you treat matters relating to friend networks equally seriously. You are a reliable, steadfast, and steady couple. Power struggles between the two of you tend to be buried instead of dealt with spontaneously. However, over time, negative feelings build in the unconscious and put a dark cloud over the whole relationship. When transit Venus is in the composite 8th house, you may enjoy strengthening the bonds of intimacy in your relationship together. You may feel that there is an imbalance of responsibilities, where one of you puts out more effort than the other. You take your ability to earn an income and provide for yourselves as a couple seriously, and hard work is something you both consider necessary. Equality is the goal in your partnership, and maintaining this balance (keeping things equal) requires quite a bit of ongoing effort. No matter what makes up the inner workings of your relationship, you come across as undemonstrative. Together you are focused on the deepest issues of the relationship, and the focus isn't intellectual, like an air house would be, or practical like an earth house would be. Saturn has no room for frivolity, so as many people see these groups as avenues for enjoying light, social interaction, you focus on their purpose and function. Composite Sun in the 1st House. You may be nervous and restless as a couple, or always on the go. Usually it is seen that native having Saturn in the 8th house lives in foreign land and earns and suffers there. The 8th house is the house of death and regeneration. If you are not on the go, you can be quite restless. Masculine & Feminine Signs: Are you More Masculine or Feminine? As a couple, you have a serious manner regarding anything societal or institutional. You may become quite frustrated with each other if you dont feel a strong, intimate connection. Venus is a symbol of deep love. This position can also indicate feelings of affection for each other that are dependable and that can withstand the tests of time. Do your best to avoid mind games and power struggles. Composite Ascendant in Aries. Composite Mars in the 10th House. There will be a. fear of not having enough on which to get by, thus making you work. the twelfth house in a composite chart can also be telling when it comes to karmic relationships. It's about endings and beginnings. Saturn's serious tone doesn't allow us to shine in the free-flowing manner the fifth house normally provides. With an 8th House stellium and the potential for 8th House matters being elevated in your life, there are some pitfalls to watch for including: Struggling to let go of old ways of being to make way for new. You value saving over spending and have a practical attitude about spending money on the pleasures the world has for sale. As a couple, you come across in an especially pleasing and attractive manner. Composite Mars in the 3rd House. Keeping busy together is important, as you might feel that idle time together makes you feel a little restless or impatient. Demanding too much attention from each other, becoming bossy and self-centered in your interactions with each other, and focusing on instant gratification rather than long-term happiness are all strong possibilities if the energy is misusedand can be the downfall of the union. Composite Venus in the 12th House. You are a likeable couple that projects an image of harmony, politeness, style, class, and balance. How you nurture each other and express emotions with one another is a major element of your relationship. Composite Sun and Venus in the 8th house. The 8th house is considered a Dushtana Bhava or house of difficulties, losses, and many other negative significances in Vedic astrology. Saturn always thinks long-term and over-thinks decisions. Shorts cuts only lead to future suffering. This house represents the part of your relationship that feels restrictive and burdensome. Or, you might find that giving each other space helps as well. The aura of your home may be overly formal or simply lacking in authentic emotion or warmth. Much of the time, putting faith in one another brings you joy. Composite Sun in the 2nd House. Composite Uranus is energy, and it can be directed. Kindness and good humor dominate the energies of this relationship. If the Composite Moon is conjunct Ascendant: This relationship touches you deeply. You want attention from each other. Other possible scenarios are a large age gap between you, an affair in which one of you is married to someone else, a boss/employee set-up, and so forth. Instead, you are able to communicate creatively and spontaneously. A light spirit of friendship, communication, and learning is at the heart of your relationship. You are a couple that blazes new paths. I am a young at heart Aries who likes partners with Saturn maturity who I can be teacher for. Others see you as a bonded, caring couple. In composite: The grand square, pluto 20 . This will keep the fun from getting out of hand, but it will still allow enough looseness of spirit to enjoy your romance. You tend to think in terms of constancy and the long term. You are a take-charge, fiery couple with a just do it attitude. The house person may or may not like this. You need lots of attention from each other, and you are generally willing to give each other just that. When your Pluto is in your partner's 7th house your partner finds you secretive, elusive, intense and mysterious. Appearances are important to you. You Light Up My Life: Sun in Houses in Synastry. This union is quite resilient, although you may overestimate what you are capable of doing together. You handle everyday demands with emotion, directness, and perhaps even anger or irritability. All of this is because inside you sense that you need to "become more, be better.". The ability to harness and manipulate energy is often present within them and many 8th House placements are said to create psychic abilities . Composite Sun in the 11th House. You may find that you feel insecure when either of you connects with others or expresses independence. You may be quite romantic or demonstrative with this position of Venus. This is a powerful, high-energy relationship that can easily sweep you off your feet! It will always be vitally important that you give each other room to grow, and that you keep communication alive and thriving. With enough creativity and self-awareness, two people can experience its benefits together. Adaptability is the hallmark of your relationship. You are bound to depend on one another. You are not the types of people to fly off the handle at one another. Astrology Symbols, Elements, Modalities, & House Types. Transit Jupiter in the Composite 8th House. A composite seventh-house Saturn is often indicative of a scenario where one person is taking care of the other. Your relationship may have started out with gusto. Your responses to one another are rational and logical, and as such, you dont come across as an especially intimate couple. Possessions may be a source of conflict between you. Composite Houses - Eleventh house emphasis in the composite . If the Sun is seriously challenged, lack of fun can become a major issue. Moody reactions to each other are something to watch for. In this house of intimate relationships, you expect to merge as a couple emotionally, sexually and financially. Scary as it may seem, but they can perceive what the person's dark side is. You are willing to go the distance, and you are patient about it as well. Always putting work first can be a drag and keeping up your public image can be stressful. At worst, you incessantly worry about your finances and your financial future always seems bleak. Shows what's needed to make the relationship work. Your immediate, instinctive responses to each other and to daily stimuli are largely mental. The sixth and the eighth house are also karmic houses. The 8th House: The eighth house is the most natural house to experience in a composite. The best way to keep this relationship feeling alive and vital is to give one another a lot of specialized attention, but also the freedom to express yourselves as individuals. This can make your whole relationship feel burdensome and restrictive. Your ability to have fun is one of the things that bonds you together. Neither person will want to be dominated. Theres nothing superficial about this relationship. Sun feels at ease here because he is in the home of . It's undefinable, so you can't work on eliminating it. Then, once some time passes, it festers. Your conversations tend to revolve around practical and material concerns. Do your best not to neglect more spiritual elements of your connection. You may often feel that the emotions between the two of you are on display in some way. Your work will get done. Saturn also conjunct Aquarius Venus in 8th, both square my Moon. Communicating with one another is one of the ways you keep things alive between you. Its important to let each other express themselves spontaneously. Scorpio is the fixed water sign ruling the 8th house. You may even feel stronger as a couple than you do as individuals. This is a powerful, high-energy relationship that can easily sweep you off your feet! It can cause you each to yearn to enjoy the physical pleasure money can buy, but you are either too worried about spending or simply don't have the resources to make the purchases. The creative urge is strong, and one possible manifestation of this is having children together and revolving your world around them. Conversations between the two of you are generally playful and lively. This takes the joy out of blindly diving into a mysterious new love affair, and it's difficult to keep the flames of passion burning brightly as time passes. Composite Mars in the 2nd House. Compromise can be a big challenge. Only allow Saturn to do its job of keeping things in a practical perspective. If challenged, you may be very wrapped up in your own relationship, or you could nag each other endlessly. Don't let Saturn drag you down this way. The expression "there is a fine line between love and hate" applies here. It will be especially important to manage emotions in your relationship. My daughter has Mars -Saturn conjuction 8th house,Mars being in ascendant and 6th lord for scorpio sign.Dob 06/05/2004,20:50hrs,Bhopal (M.P,India).Pls suggest positive and negative impacts both.Worried about her health and marriage aspects.Pls comment. You are more inclined to work things through with class and style. Fear of losing one another should be addressed directly. However, you are capable of going through a lot together, and the longer youre with each other, the stronger your relationship becomes, as you value longevity, familiarity, and comfort. A compulsive quality to the relationship is also possible, as are shared secrets, some element of mystery, and a strong emphasis on privacy in your romantic life. When the transit Sun is in the composite 8th house, you may pay more attention to how you use your resources together. However, if you understand the influence, you can work with it, rather than letting it be the dark cloud that drags you apart. This relationship inspires you to move, learn, and search. This can be good if it keeps you out of trouble and it drives you toward morals that keep you together. Dealing with imbalances is an inescapable part of your relationship, and its best to use strategies to do so without inflicting or absorbing guilt. You may fuss over each other, and you do whatever you can to make the partnership work. So, together in a composite chart, Saturn's message is clear. These feelings have to go somewhere, and matter that is swept under the carpet will emerge at some point. Composite Sun in the 7th House. 12th house: this is a good planet to have in a composite 12th house because it allows more direct conversations on anything that may be usually hidden from each other. You tend to make impulsive emotional decisions when together, and this gives an intimate and personal quality to the relationship that is intense and pronounced. Less common examples include intelligence and secret services. If other positions suggest a more emotional bond between the two of you, then this position adds a happy and friendly boost to your interactions. Some possible themes are discussed. A feeling of warm familiarity surrounding your personal belief systems is likely when you come together. At worst, the energy of your chemistry encourages you to be negligent or unreliable. You are likely very eager to learn and grow, and generally ready to laugh. Your Sun Sign is Your Key to Happiness & Success, Guess Sun Signs by Understanding Sun-Sign Auras, Top Athletes Throughout Time & Their Astrological Signs, Relationship Test: Compatibility Versus Attraction, The Secret to Sexual Chemistry is found in our Astrological Sun Signs, The Zodiac Signs & Commitment to Relationships, Moon Sign Compatibility: The Best Indicator of a Long & Successful Marriage, Aries Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Taurus Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Gemini Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Cancer Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Leo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Virgo Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Libra Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Scorpio Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Sagittarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Capricorn Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Aquarius Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction, Pisces Relationships: Compatibility & Attraction. You may even feel stronger as a couple than you do as individuals. In some cases, the relationship begins just fine, but there is a sense of being blocked by the outside world or by circumstances. In the ninth house, this can make you both focus on what's right and wrong in each other's lives and play judge and jury with each other. Composite Moon in the 9th House. One of you may talk down to the other, or there can be a heavy emphasis on talking about problems, burdens, and responsibilities instead of more light-hearted and happy conversations. Composite Ascendant in Virgo. It is important to have a true understanding of Saturn's influence when your composite Saturn is in the fourth house because it often puts a feeling of restriction and burden on home and family life that is strong enough to drive people apart. Feeling secure with one another puts you in the mood and strengthens your affections for one another. With this placement, there is a propensity for resentment. It also shows how the couple copes with daily ups and downs. You are likely to do whatever you can to work on making this a harmonious partnership. Whether or not it moves towards a more committed, traditional partnership depends on other factors in the composite chart. You pour a lot of energy into building and maintaining your connection. You have a strong sense that this relationship was fated or meant to be. Composite Pluto in the 12th House. Composite Mercury in the 6th House. This is an excellent position for the Composite Sun when the relationship is a love affair. You can do research into anything you need to know more about together, and you can get to the core of any issues and come up with solutions together. The drive to enjoy yourselves is strong in this relationship. The responsibilities that go along with this dependency may be challenging at times, but the depth of commitment and intimacy you are capable of can be most rewarding. house indicates you may be very insecure in your relationship with. However, in either case, you are serious about your finances and assuring yourselves a comfortable life in this material world. A possible solution for this position if it is found to be a challenging one is to spend some time apart periodically so that you dont burn each other out and it can feel fresh again. But, it also signifies a challenging and toxic relationship that can break your heart. Saturn is capable of going deep into matter and finding what is hidden. Explanation of aspects to the north and south node, Sun through Pluto in a composite chart (Davison chart) The individual knows that something else beyond the life they know exists, but is fearful to approach it, thus . It brings a deep interest in the matters ruled by the 8th house. Composite Ascendant in Taurus. For example, with the Composite Sun in the fifth house, you have come together to have fun and to feed each others egos. Venus finds the 8th house person very mysterious and feels this magnetic pull to discover what they're all about. Over time, you wonder why there is a negative vibe that you can't explain. Composite Ascendant in Gemini. Thus, becomes very miser at times. As a couple with this placement, you are be careful about what you say to each other. They are felt unconsciously as vague feelings. True partnership is a goal. Saturn wants to be sure of itself and fears making mistakes. The main challenge of this position is potential dependency on the relationship itself, as it feels almost like a lifeline. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. As the third house relates to navigating your immediate environment, it is an active house. You have come together to learn about your own deepest feelings and needs, and this may not always be pleasant! As well, you instinctively consider one another as an equal, with equal say in your union. Defining whats yours and whats mine is a challenge, as there is an attempt to merge together on a deep level. However, it also has the potential to bring new life into your life by ending what no longer works for you emotionally or spiritually.
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